Fanfare please for the launch of the new-improved website
Big day in the evolution of Lost in the Loft from a small independent company into a Global Inc. – our beautiful new website is now live.
Beautifully crafted by that Web Wizard Tim Fifield of Britweb, we at The Loft are in awe of the finished product.
Clean lines, improved functionality, links to social media – everything Tim’s marketing schpiel said it would be!
And, as if to give it its first tick in the box, a customer phoned up this morning, having found us originally via the old version, and placed her business with us ℅ how she loved the new website!
Feel free to browse the pages, including one dedicated to our Business Partners.
Expect regular updates from The Loft as we use the site to its full potential.
Hope you like it as much as we do.
Vic Chase